Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Delta Autonomous Mode

Ok so I, of course, picked up the broken computer so I was unable to input Delta's autonomous code, but here it is. This is the code from the strategy that they made me:
D = our half (width-wise)of the arena
d = D/2
L = entire length of arena
autodrive(D, BEHIND, 127)
//** = add wait statement
autobasket(DOWN, 127)
autodrive(d, FORWARD, 127)
autoturn(90deg, LEFT)
autodreeder(INTAKE, 127)
autodrive(~L/3, FORWARD, 127)
autodreeder(OFF, 0)
autodrive(~L/6, BEHIND, 127)
autoturn(90deg, RIGHT)
autodrive(~d, BEHIND, 127)
autobasket(LIFT, 127)
autobasket(DOWN, 127)

task complete

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